I believe it is God’s desire to bless us! I have run into people who will fight me over their right to be disgusted, busted, depressed, and sick. I used to be one of them. Yet, in the BIBLE God called and blessed Abraham so God could bless the nations of the earth. God is not the curser; God is the blesser. The Lord said to Abram, “Leave your native country, your relatives, and your father’s family, and go to the land that I will show you. I will make you into a great nation. I will bless you and make you famous, and you will be a blessing to others. (Genesis 12:1-2) Abraham was the door through which God would bless the earth! God still wants to bless the nations of the earth through the seed of Abraham. This is how the Gospel flows to the nations. It flows through the Spiritual heirs of Abraham. God wants to break the curse and turn back its assault. God does it through the Gospel of the Kingdom. If you are Christ’s, then you are Abraham’s seed, and heirs according to the promise. (Galatians 3:29) “So, can I bless you so I can bless Abraham?”I struggled with the idea that God wanted to bless me! I somehow thought such thinking would surely lead me to selfish living. It was not until I understood God’s heart for the nations that I understood God’s desire to bless me. One day God showed me the only way that He can keep His promise to Abraham is by blessing both his physical house (Israel) and His spiritual house (the church). “Do you believe I want to still bless Abraham?” “So says your word Lord” “So, can I bless you so I can bless Abraham?” Wow! God liberated my mind to embrace that He wants to bless me so he can keep His promise to Abraham. While I still could not completely believe God wanted to bless me, I could believe God wanted to BLESS Abraham. God starts where we are! When you make yourself available to be blessed—some people will refuse to be blessed—you become a doorway through which God delivers nations from poverty, sickness, depression, oppression, corruption, and death. God wants to bless you, to make you a doorway to pour out His blessing on the earth. He is preparing the nations for the soon return of His son. He is at the door! GOD IS PREPARING THE NATIONS BY BLESSING YOUI was part of a church launch team in the 1990s. We were preparing to launch a church in an Eastern Kentucky community and several pastors visited the city to talk with the elected officials, business leaders, and professionals. I was talking with a doctor who was the director of the local hospital. I asked him what a new church might do to benefit the city—you know to be relevant. Being relevant is the cry of so many church leaders in the USA. You ready for his answer! “Just be the church. More than fifty percent of the patients that come to our emergency room are treated because of violence, depression, drugs, and poverty."
Where the Gospel is preached lives change. Why? Because God wants to bless people so much that He will lift the poor up out of trash heap—His words not mine! (Psalm 113). Join His team, ask God to bless you right along with Abraham. I double dog dare you. If you do ask God to bless you, I must warn you about what will happen next. Oh, I will share that in two weeks.
We have joy! Joy is the force allowing us to wipe off the puke and puss of this world. Let me explain. Joy does not come because of what is outside. Joy exists because of how we see our life from the inside. Most people react to life. God’s Spirit in you allows you to pro-act! You impact the people and situations around you. Those around you grow and excel. You become a life force – a giver and not a taker. You change the working and home climate. You are no longer a victim. We have peace! Peace is the ability to live from what you believe instead of what you see! We walk by faith and not by sight! We live by truth instead of circumstances and conditions.
-Mark East |